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Helping Kids - Shaping the Future Together!

We believe every child deserves the best conditions for growth and the realization of their dreams.
Successful Projects
Helping Children

Helping Children

We're fully committed to extending aid to children from various parts of the globe to ensure their well-being and proper growth. We understand that childhood is the most sensitive phase in life. That's why we are dedicated to making sure each child receives the essential support and opportunities they need to flourish.

What we're doing towards this goal:

  • We take care of children's basic needs like food, medical assistance, and clothing. We believe that satisfying these fundamentals is crucial for the healthy growth and development of each child or adolescent.
  • We offer educational opportunities that can pave the way for a child's future success. We organize various learning programs and language courses, allowing every individual to unveil their potential.
  • We create a secure and nurturing environment for children, ensuring they have access to psychological support, leisure activities, and educational resources.

Your assistance can potentially change the life of at least one child, offering them hope and new avenues for the future. Together, we can craft a better world for the coming generations.

Доверие и Открытость

Взаимопомощь и сплоченность

Support the Fund

Financial Support:

Join us and be a part of positive change in the world! Your donations help us expand our reach and provide assistance to as many people as possible.

We ensure that the money we receive has the maximum impact. Every penny counts.

You can support us by choosing a convenient payment method and amount for you: One-time or Monthly assistance (your choice).

Bank Details:

IBAN: ES85 2100 3852 6802 0012 4217



We invite you to join us as a volunteer! We're looking for individuals who want to help others, actively participate in projects, and make a positive impact on people's lives.

Your inner motivation and energy can be the driving force that propels our organization forward!


Join us in developing collaborative projects! We know how to merge business and charity, and we're open to building partnerships. Together, we can help those who are in the most vulnerable situations.

I want to make a donation of:

Donations to NGO-Damark

Projects You Can Fund by Choice:

Projects of NGO Damark

Our Achievements

Over the past few years, we've been actively involved in charitable work and humanitarian aid for children across various regions of the globe.

  • In Africa, we've executed projects aimed at tackling social issues and delivering essential goods to local communities.
  • In Ukraine, we've been on the frontline, supporting people through volunteer efforts and organizing evacuation flights following the sabotage of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Station.
  • In Spain, we've established a center for socio-psychological support for both children and adults, as well as educational hubs. In collaboration with the Ukrainian community, we launched the "Language Everywhere" book project, allowing Ukrainian children to read books in their native language while abroad.

We're always open to new projects and opportunities to help those in need. Together, we're making the world a better place and brightening the lives of children!

Блок 4 - активные “меценаты”

Contact Form

Contact Form

If you have suggestions, a desire to collaborate, or any other questions, please feel free to send us an email

    Contact Us


    Valencia, Calle de Juan Fabregat 3